Ooops! Forgot to do week 18 picture and post!
How far along: 19 Weeks-Baby Daher is the size of a mango!
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
Weight gain: 11lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing regular clothes and my maternity jeans. Although, I think it might be time to get some bigger, stretchy tops, don't want everything to get stretched out. :/
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I have been sleeping great and sleeping A LOT!
Best moment this week: Feeling the first movement of our little bambino!!
Worst moment this week: The Victoria Secret Swim Suite catalog is out....'nuff said.
Miss anything: An ice cold glass of pinot gris
Movement: YES! It started off feeling like a little popcorn kernel popping and now it has gotten a little stronger. Mostly kicking early in the morning.
Symptoms: My hands have started to swell and my wrists are hurting sometimes. I'm sure my years as a dental assistant aren't helping the situation. Trying to cut back on salt to see if that helps.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!
Exercise: I have cut back on cardio because i'm suppose to be avoiding jerky movements. (Guess no more showing off my amazing dance moves.) The weather is getting a little warmer so i'm hoping to become a professional speed walker. Still loving prenatal yoga. Namaste.
Cravings: Not having any strong cravings. Any food in general is inhaled.
Wedding Rings on or off: On/Off-It just depends if my hands are swollen that day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been getting a couple waves of nausea and I don't know why.
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound appointment in a couple weeks! Can't wait to see our little man again and how much he has grown! Also looking forward to planning the nursery! So many ideas!
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