Monday, March 17, 2014

27 Weeks-In Complete Nesting Mode

Super horrified that it has been THREE weeks since I have been able to take a belly pic and update my blog! We have been in full on nesting mode here at Casa de Daher for the past couple of weeks. I feel like we moved out and then back into our house. Every cupboard, drawer and closet has been cleaned out. My wonderful husband even spent two back breaking days shampooing our carpets.We ended up having a fun sleep over in the living room because we got rid of our old furniture to clean the carpets and get ready for the new things to be delivered the next day. Leon loved it! By the end of our cleaning adventure Ahmad started taking selfies of him and his new BFF...the Rug Doctor. 

In Baby News: I passed my Gestational Diabetes test! We had an exciting doctors appointment last week were we got another ultra sound done and were able to see Baby Daher again! He is starting to get chubby cheeks, big feet and cute ears. They told us we are going to have a little big guy. They are estimating he is going to be 8.5lbs at birth. (Let's pray for pushing reasons he is a little bit smaller!) Ahmad is just ecstatic over this news because he has dreams for his son to become a pro athlete. Baby Daher is in the 59th percentile and weighing in at a 2lbs and 2oz. He is about 1 week ahead of schedule, but they aren't going to adjust my due date. I keep debating with Ahmad that the money for a 3D ultra sound is worth it! :) 

How far along: 27 Weeks
Gender:  Boy
   Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans and leggings. "Comfy-chic" is the best way to describe my style right now. Praying this weather gets better so I can break out my maxi dresses! I have been having fun shopping for a baby shower dress and something to wear for our maternity shoot.  
Have you started to show yet: Yes! 
Stretch marks: Nope, thank you sweet baby Jesus! Putting Cocoa butter on 2-3 times a day.
Belly button in or out: It has officially popped out. It is so cute! 
Sleep: Sleep has been great for me, but horrible for Ahmad. I think it is due to my congestion. He says "he feels like he is sleeping next to a 400lb man." I am a little disturbed trying to figure out how he knows what that sounds like. His only response to the concerned look on my face "experimenting in college is healthy." :/ Haha Lord have mercy! I have been trying everything, breath right strips, sleeping on certain sides, propping up extra pillows and nothing seems to help. Glad we got new comfy couches....looks like it's sofa city for him until this goes away.   
Best moment this week: Breaking ground on Baby Daher's nursery! So excited with what we are planning. I just hope the vision in my head looks good once we get everything in it's place. 
Worst moment this week: Being teased with getting only one apple fritter from Top Pot Donuts...I will take a dozen please! Other than that, no complaints.  
Miss anything: Being able to paint my own toe nails, but now I have a valid reason to go get pedi's, plus the great foot massage. What?! It's to help prevent the swelling! ;) 
Movement: This kiddo is all over the place. I think he is practicing his MMA moves. 
Symptoms: Big belly and I am getting swelling in both my hands and numbness and tingling in my right arm. I think I may have started getting Braxton Hicks, but not sure. Sometimes when I am relaxing at night my stomach will just get super tight and it feels like it's going to pop. I heard this is the sensation of BH, going to talk to my OB at our next appointment to find out. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
ExerciseWalking a couple miles when it is sunny and prenatal yoga. 
Cravings: ANYTHING with peanut butter especially apples, bagels & cream cheese, donuts and cheeseburgers. You know....healthy stuff full of vitamins. Why can't I crave a Kale salad?! So far I have been pretty good and not caving in too much. I did have a donut AND a cheeseburger this weekend and it was amazing!  Now if only I can find a place that makes a donut cheeseburger...then I will know dreams can come true. 
Wedding Rings on or off: Off. I hate not being able to wear it. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.
Looking forward to: The month of April! It is Baby Daher month. We have our hospital tour, Labor & Delivery/infant care/breastfeeding class,two baby showers and best of all...our 1st wedding anniversary. 

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