Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans and leggings. I recently bought some shirts from Victoria's Secret Pink line. They are really stretchy and comfy, but they run super big. Even though I am wearing an XS the shirt makes me look a little bigger than I am because it is so baggy. (The 90's called....their homies wants their shirts back!) Glad I am super comfy and will have room to grow and not have to buy more.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! It is the best feeling when people ask when is the baby due! I haven't had any belly rubbers yet, but I am not apposed. You can rub my tummy for good luck! :)
Stretch marks: Nope, putting Cocoa butter on 2-3 times a day.
Belly button in or out: It's half way out and becoming flat. Can't wait for it to pop out like a turkey timer.
Sleep: I keep tossing and turning and can't seem to get comfortable or a full night of sleep.
Best moment this week: Getting new furniture for our house!
Worst moment this week: Still having back pain!! Grrrrr! NOTHING has been helping....Chiropractor, Massage, Prenatal Yoga, Maternity Pillow, Walking...NOTHING! At this point I feel like I want to rip my leg off and beat my back with it! Thank you Sciatic Nerve, love you too! :)
Miss anything: No, but a glass of champagne would be nice.
Movement: Yes, we have a mover and shaker on our hands. Our nurse and ultra sound tech told us we have a very active baby.
Symptoms: Nothing other than back pain and a huge belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ecstatic!
Exercise: Just walking a little this week because of my back and yoga.
Cravings: Cereal and BBQ chips.
Wedding Rings on or off: On.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My next weigh in at the doctors office! :/
Looking forward to: Baby Daddy's Birthday and our next doctors appointment.