Friday, February 14, 2014

23 Weeks

How far along: 23 Weeks

Gender:  Boy
   Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans and leggings. I recently bought some shirts from Victoria's Secret Pink line. They are really stretchy and comfy, but they run super big. Even though I am wearing an XS the shirt makes me look a little bigger than I am because it is so baggy. (The 90's called....their homies wants their shirts back!) Glad I am super comfy and will have room to grow and not have to buy more. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes! It is the best feeling when people ask when is the baby due! I haven't had any belly rubbers yet, but I am not apposed. You can rub my tummy for good luck! :)   
Stretch marks: Nope, putting Cocoa butter on 2-3 times a day.
Belly button in or out: It's half way out and becoming flat. Can't wait for it to pop out like a turkey timer. 
Sleep: I keep tossing and turning and can't seem to get comfortable or a full night of sleep. 
Best moment this week: Getting new furniture for our house! 
Worst moment this week: Still having back pain!! Grrrrr! NOTHING has been helping....Chiropractor, Massage, Prenatal Yoga, Maternity Pillow, Walking...NOTHING! At this point I feel like I want to rip my leg off and beat my back with it! Thank you Sciatic Nerve, love you too! :)  
Miss anything: No, but a glass of champagne would be nice. 
Movement: Yes, we have a mover and shaker on our hands. Our nurse and ultra sound tech told us we have a very active baby.  
Symptoms: Nothing other than back pain and a huge belly.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ecstatic!
Exercise: Just walking a little this week because of my back and yoga.  
Cravings: Cereal and BBQ chips.  
Wedding Rings on or off: On. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: My next weigh in at the doctors office! :/ 
Looking forward to: Baby Daddy's Birthday and our next doctors appointment.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

21 Weeks

How far along: 21 Weeks-Baby Daher weighs 1 whole pound!
Gender:  Boy!
Weight gain: Let's not talk about it! :)   
Maternity clothes: Still wearing regular clothes and my maternity jeans. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes, definitely!   
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: It's half way out!
Sleep: I have been sleeping okay.
Best moment this week: Seeing our little one on the ultra sound again.
Worst moment this week: Still having back pain, but other than that no complaints.  
Miss anything: Nope. 
Movement: YES! He is starting to get stronger and stronger. He has been pretty calm this week.  
Symptoms:  I find myself getting emotional listening to music. Especially when Ahmad sings to me Kip Moore's song Hey Pretty Girl. "Hey pretty girl you did so good, our baby's got your eyes." 6 years later and he can still give me the butterflies and make me fall for him all over again. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ecstatic!
ExerciseBack at it! Doing cardio, yoga and long walks. 
Cravings: No cravings. Although, I did have a cupcake from Cupcake Royale and it was pretty euphoric...I took it down in about 30 seconds! LOL Trying to watch my sugar intake because I have my gestational diabetes test coming up. 
Wedding Rings on or off: On. The swelling and tingling in my arms have finally gone away. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: My next weigh in at the doctors office! :/ 
Looking forward to: Valentine's Day and Ahmad's birthday!  

Our Little Bambino at 20 Weeks! 

Our little guy was being SO sweet during our last ultrasound. At first he was moving around like crazy, but after a bathroom break for mama he was really calm. Our hospital gives us a print out of pictures from the ultrasound as well as a DVD with the pictures AND some video! When we were watching it there is a video of our little one getting the hiccups and then sucking his thumb. It is so precious! The dental/orthodontic background in me made me cringe a little, but who cares, he is all alone in the womb...let the little man comfort himself. We can't wait to meet him and hold him and love him!! Baby better be ready for lots of snuggles and kisses!