Thursday, December 26, 2013

16 Weeks-Holiday Fun

Phew! What a busy holiday season it has been! So proud that we finally got to send out our first family holiday card as the Dahers! 

Ahmad and I have been having so much fun with our friends and family this month. I would have to say our favorite holiday party this year was at The Evans Estate. My friend Katie had the best decor, music, guest list (shout out to my fellow preggo-Laura, thanks for letting me ask so many questions!) and most importantly (at least for this pregnant lady) amazing food table! :) 

Christmas Eve was by far the best night! We went over to Ahmad's Mom's house and made pizza's with the family. Who knew my *brother Omar had such amazing pizza making skillz?! After pizza's our friends the Reeves family came over to play a fun game of PicWits, drink tea and we all couldn't stop eating these amazing peanut butter cookies Mrs. Reeves made. Definitely a new tradition we are going to have to keep. Not pictured is my beautiful *sister Haneen, she was elbow deep in pizza sauce and then was busy taking care of the newest addition to the family, Zane. 

I am not a fan on putting "In-Law" after, we are family now who cares if it is by law or not. The More You Know... 

Things are getting saucy!
Mama Mia!
You didn't see nothin', so don't say nothin'!
We love our Tata! 

How far along: 16 Weeks
Gender Prediction: I'm going to guess girl because everyone is saying they think it will be a girl. 
Weight gain: 5lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing regular clothes, legging and my maternity jeans. My tops are starting to get a little tight around the chest area if you know what I mean. :/ 
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I am still in that stage of "Is she pregnant or did she eat too many burritos?"
Stretch marks: Nope, loving my Palmers Cocoa Butter and oil.  
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I have been sleeping great, but I keep waking up at 3am to go to the bathroom. 
Best moment this week: Christmas fun!
Exercise: So proud of myself for finally having a daily work out routine! I do 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by some light weights or I will walk a couple miles with our Havanese dog Leon and do some floor exercises.   
Miss anything: It's hard watching everyone cheers with Champagne.  
Movement: I thought I felt something the other day, but I am sure it was just a figment of my imagination.....or gas. Hehe ;) 
Symptoms:  Still pretty emotional, it doesn't take much for me to tear up. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy!!
Cravings: Pineapple, strawberries, salad with Italian dressing. For those who don't know me, I HATE raw tomatoes. I can eat salsa and things like that, but I have NEVER been one to just slice tomatoes up and throw them in my salad....until now. For some reason I can't seem to get enough of them.   
Wedding Rings on or off: On
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling really good! Hamdullah!
Looking forward to: Feeling movement and New Years-We have out next check up on the 31st! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

15 Weeks

There are not enough words to describe how elated my husband Ahmad and I are after finding out we are pregnant. I decided to start this blog because I think it is a really fun way of keeping track of our adventures in pregnancy and keeping friends and family up to speed on what's happening. I decided to do the chalkboard and photos after seeing the idea on Pinterest and I think it is such a cute way to document my growing bump. Welcome to our journey. 

How far along: In our 15th Week
Gender Prediction: Not sure yet, but everyone is telling us they think it's a girl. 
Weight gain: 5lbs. Guess I did some damage on Thanksgiving. :/  I know they say you are not eating for two, but during my 1st trimester the only way to keep the nausea away was to eat carbs. Doctor said my gain is healthy and normal so far.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing regular clothes. I got tired of doing the rubber band trick with my pants, so I bought a pair of AG maternity jeans at Destination Maternity and I LOVE them, they are so comfortable.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, definitely have a belly and looking chubby for sure!
Stretch marks: No, I have been slathering on my Coco butter and oil religiously. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I have been sleeping great, but I keep waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Luckily I am able to take naps during the day to help catch up on my sleep. 
Best moment this week: This was last week, but Our Ultrasound and check up on Monday December the 2nd. It was amazing to see the baby and how much it has been growing! We also got to hear the healthy heartbeat. Feeling so blessed for our little miracle. 
Worst moment this week: No worst moment, I have been experiencing little headaches now and then. Feeling very overwhelmed with trying to educate myself on baby products.  
Miss anything: Being a size 2 and sleeping through the night. 
Movement: Not feeling anything yet. 
Symptoms: I have been very emotional, I cry watching diaper commercials. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy!!
Cravings: Chicken and anything fruity or sweet. I also can't get enough ICE cold water. 
Wedding Rings on or off: On
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get little waves of nausea when I try to do too much.
Looking forward to: Feeling movement and finding out the gender!

Our Little Cupcake! 14 Week Ultrasound